CAPER>r Model

Assessing your level of READINESS

The (C x A x P x E x R) > r equation positions you for focused, accelerated and sustainable change. We live in a complex, fast-paced, and interdependent world where the more quickly and successfully you adapt and overcome resistance to change in your organization, the greater your capacity to thrive.

Some considerations when assessing your Readiness:

  • From whatever your role, what is your readiness for leading or being an active participant in creating the conditions for change?
  • What are your strategies to assess the terrain?
  • What are the critical dimensions you must have in place?

(C x A x P x E x R) > r = sustainable momentum
C = Case for Change
A = Aim
P = Partnering for Change – people
E = Energy to Take First Steps
R = Resiliency and Agility for Change
r = Resistance to Change

The CAPER>r model is adapted from Ron Sepielli’s work developing the first CAPER model based upon Kathy Dannemiller’s Whole Scale Change equation Change = (Dissatisfaction)(Vision)(First Steps) >Resistance)

Learn more about Readiness Mapping