In the really big picture, we focus on our potential for redesigning a healthy, sustainable human society – putting front and center the interdependent dynamics of human relationships in the context of our shared environmental ecologies.
In order to achieve this, we tap into the human “potential” for conscious evolution, building the capacity for living into an interdependent world. Our aim is catalyzing the conditions in workplaces for people to become designers in whatever role they play. As a result of our work, ordinary and extraordinary people embrace and engage complexity through their adaptive capabilities, resourcefulness and innovative responses to emerging challenges.
In our work and in ourselves, here are some things we can’t live without!
- Radical self-acceptance and honesty with self and others
- Living with integrity — a promise that I first keep with my Self in order to keep it
with others
- Partnering with trust and trustworthiness
- Appreciating that diversity is the richness that catalyzes respect for our differences
- Humor – taking the work seriously but holding ourselves lightly
- Learning how to learn from whatever happens