Solving…Wicked Problems
If you have often wondered what are people talking about when they mention ‘wicked questions’…view this clip
If you have often wondered what are people talking about when they mention ‘wicked questions’…view this clip
Dave Snowden (the Cynefin framework guy) utilizes “How to organize a chldren’s party” to reveal the dynamics and distinctions…A children’s party
An RSA ‘graphic’ depiction with Steven Johnsen…Where good ideas come from
BOOKS: What Michael is reading these days: Leadership and Self-Deception (2010), The Arbinger Institute = For too long, the issue of self-deception has been the realm of deep-thinking philosophers, academics, and scholars working on the central questions of the human … Continue reading
If you haven’t come across Brene Brown and her research on shame and vulnerability, this TED talk will blow your socks off!