It’s important to inquire into the existing cultural perspectives alive and well in your system. This is not a judgement but simply what is getting you what you’ve always had. The table below represents a comparison of two commonly held cultural views. Which one best describes your working culture?
Outside-In = Expert-Based Culture | Inside-Out = Learning-Based Culture |
1. You believe what you see. | 1. You see what you believe. |
2. You see Others, Objects and Events separate from you. | 2. You see your Self in Others, Objects and Events. |
3. You figure out Others, Objects and Events by reducing them to parts. | 3. Learn from your experience of Others, Objects and Events. |
4. You design, plan and act on how to fix Others, Objects and Events | 4. You act to create learning interactions. You fix your Self first. |
Expert-Based Culture | Learning-Based Culture |
Perfection Compliance Uniformity | Learning Creativity Individuality |
Do it ‘right” the first time | The “right’ way is to learn from whatever you do. |
Skills to do it ‘right’ | Learning skills to learn |
Look outside yourself | Look inside yourself |
Prescriptive procedures | Descriptive of Self, Events and Others |
Procedure Manual | Self Knowledge |